Why Falling for Design Trends is Like Falling for a Bad Relationship

Have you ever fallen head over heels for a design trend, only to realize later that it was all wrong for you? You're not alone. Just like with a bad ex, diving headfirst into the latest trend can lead to disappointment and regret. In this blog post, we'll explore why following design trends blindly without knowing your style is a mistake and offer some tips on how to avoid making the same missteps again in the future. So buckle up and get ready for some tough love – because sometimes what's popular isn't always best for you or your style. I am going to show you what a good relationship with your home design looks like.

What are Design Trends?

When it comes to design, trends are much like relationships. They come and go, change over time, and can be quite fickle. Just like any relationship, some people are able to resist the temptation of a new trend while others find themselves falling head-over-heels at the first sight of something shiny and new.

A design trend typically has a shelf life of eight to ten years. I know you are thinking, “I am okay with that time line.” It is important that I state the design trends am wanting you to avoid are not your decor or paint colors. No, it is your remodeling choice. The $200,000 kitchen renovation or the primary bedroom $75,000 update. I don’t know about you, but I want a minimum of 75% of my investment to take me past a decade. In addition, design trends tend to be theme-driven not style driven. For example, Shabby Chic, Modern Farmhouse, or Industrial Chic are all styles we have seen monopolize the interior design industry in the last fifteen years.

Now I am not saying that all trends are bad. In fact, there are features of each of the above trendy styles that I believe can be used in a timeless modern home without buyer's remorse. I will touch on when to sprinkle in some trendiness later.

Another, design trap not to fall into are the fads. Fads are a flash in the pan and rarely last past a season or two. Alright, let's dive into why trends can be toxic.

What Makes Design Trends Like a Bad Relationship?

The internet is full of articles telling you what design trends are "in" and what you should use to stay current. Following design trends is like realizing all the things you thought you adored about someone you now find annoying and insufferable. In the end, you realize you wasted time and spent your efforts in the wrong place.

Here are three reasons why falling for design trends is like falling for a bad relationship:

1. You're chasing something that's unattainable.

Design trends are constantly changing, which means they're always just out of reach. You're constantly chasing after the latest and greatest, never feeling satisfied with what you have. It's an endless cycle of trying to keep up with the Joneses that leaves you feeling exhausted and unfulfilled.

2. You're sacrificing your own style.

In order to follow trends, you have to sacrifice your own personal style. You might use colors or furniture that you normally wouldn't choose because they're "in" right now. As a result, your home starts to feel inauthentic and forced. Your personal style gets lost in the noise of everyone else trying to copy the latest trend.

3. You're missing out on your true connection.

When you're focused on following trends, you're not focused on making your home a reflection of your personality and life experiences. Instead of decorating from a place of life's experiences and understanding your needs for your lifestyle, you're just trying to hit the next hot button

How to Avoid Getting Hurt by Design Trends

When it comes to design trends, it’s easy to get swept up at the moment and fall head-over-heels without really knowing what you’re getting yourself into. The allure of a new design trend can be intoxicating, but before you go full-on trendsetter, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

For starters, design trends come and go faster than you can say “What’s hot right now?” So if you invest too heavily in a certain trend, you run the risk of your design looking dated very quickly. This is especially true for porcelain tiles and countertop materials, where trends change even faster than fashion.

In addition, any design features that are attached to the home, like a floor, tile, and cabinets should be kept in the timeless modern arena. I know you are saying, "But, Tamra that is boring!" I hear you. If I only show you a simple subway tile for your backsplash, you will think that is bland. The key is to step back and look at the totality of the entire room's design elements as a whole. Together with the right combination of classic choices you will have created an ageless room in which you can wisely invest quality materials.

Secondly, following trends blindly can make your designs look generic and unoriginal. It’s important to put your own spin on things, otherwise, you risk your home looking like everyone else’s. Remember, just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for you or your lifestyle.

If I had a nickel for every time a new client says what is everyone else doing? Or what is popular? You know my answer every time?

I don't care what everyone else is doing and neither should you. Especially for the amount of money you are going to pay me to deliver you a luxury design specific to your lifestyle. I think you would be disappointed if you went to your neighbor's home and they had the same look.

Lastly, don’t forget that sometimes less is more. Moderation is key with design trends (as with anything else in life). Use restraint and be selective about which trends you incorporate into your space – too many can be overwhelming and theme-y. When in doubt, simpler is almost always better. A good rule of thumb is to limit your use of trendy elements to 20% or less of your overall design.

Taking Risks vs. Moving with the Flow

Design trends are like relationships: they can be exciting and new at first, eventually they might not be the best fit for you. It's important to evaluate your options and decide what's best for you.

There's nothing wrong with following design trends. In fact, it can be fun to experiment with different looks and see what's popular. But don't get too caught up in the latest fads. At the end of the day, you want a design that reflects your unique style and personality, not someone else's.

It is okay to decorate with the design trends throughout the years. Just stick to decor like accessories, paint, and small pieces that you have not invested heavily in. So, when you want to update your timeless modern home you are fiscally comfortable doing so.

Moving with the flow can be tempting, but sometimes it's better to swim against the current. If you're considering a major redesign, ask yourself what you want to look at for the next two decades not what everyone else is doing. Trust your gut and go with what feels right for you - even if it means going against the grain.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with making small changes to your design from time to time. But if you're constantly changing your look in an effort to stay trendy, you'll never develop a strong sense of personal style. And in the end, that's what matters.

Establishing Your Boundaries

When it comes to design trends, establishing boundaries is just as important. There will always be new trends popping up, and it can be tempting to chase after them all when trying to keep your home fresh. But just like with people, some design trends are not good for you. They may be harmful to your checkbook, or they may simply not align with your style.

It's important to be selective about which design trends you pursue and to set clear boundaries around the ones you do choose to follow. Otherwise, you run the risk of ending up in a bad relationship with your home- one that's uninspiring , and ultimately unsatisfying.

Design trends can be useful, but it's important to approach them with caution. If you follow the latest design trends too closely and without thought, you may end up feeling lost or regretful. Instead of blindly following trends, take the time to think about what's best for your space—and use design elements that serve your style and life specifically. When in doubt: build something timeless instead of trendy!

If you are local to the San Diego area, I can help. Contact me here. I would love to talk with you and discuss the dreams you have for your home.

  • Neutrals are out and color is in!

    Pops of color are popping up in dining rooms, living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

    Even exterior scapes are seeing a resurgence of colored front entry doors.

  • Just because bright colors are trending does not mean you have to throw out your neutral monochromatic home.

    Instead designate if your neutrals are clean or muddy neutrals and then select your bright pops of color in the same feel.

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